API Reference

1. Fleet Management
GET /fleet/vehicles
Retrieves a list of all vehicles in the fleet.

Parameters: None specified

Response: List of vehicle objects (details to be specified)POST /fleet/task
Creates a new task for the fleet.

type (string): Type of task (e.g., "rebalancing")
details (object): Task details
vehicleId (integer): ID of the vehicle assigned to the task

Example request body:

  "type": "rebalancing",
  "details": { "from": "Station A", "to": "Station B" },
  "vehicleId": 1

Response: Task creation confirmation (details to be specified)
GET /fleet/status
Retrieves the current status of the fleet.

Parameters: None specified

Response: Fleet status information (details to be specified)

2. Maintenance
POST /maintenance/task/customer
Creates a new maintenance task based on customer report.

vehicleId (integer): ID of the vehicle requiring maintenance
details (object): Details of the maintenance issue

Example request body:

  "vehicleId": 1,
  "details": { "issue": "Flat tire" }

Response: Maintenance task creation confirmation (details to be specified)

GET /maintenance/inactive-vehicles
Retrieves a list of inactive vehicles that may require maintenance.Parameters: None specifiedResponse: List of inactive vehicle objects (details to be specified)

3. Reporting
GET /reports/usage
Retrieves usage reports.

Parameters: None specified (might include date range parameters)
Response: Usage report data (details to be specified)

GET /reports/maintenance
Retrieves maintenance reports.

Parameters: None specified (might include date range parameters)
Response: Maintenance report data (details to be specified)

4. Trip Management
GET /trip/active
Retrieves a list of currently active trips.

Parameters: None specified

Response: List of active trip objects (details to be specified)
POST /trip/start
Initiates a new trip.

vehicleId (integer): ID of the vehicle being used for the trip
userId (integer): ID of the user starting the trip

Example request body:

  "vehicleId": 1,
  "userId": 1

Response: Trip initiation confirmation (details to be specified)
POST /trip/end
Ends an active trip.

tripId (integer): ID of the trip to end

Example request body:

  "tripId": 1

Response: Trip end confirmation (details to be specified)

5. Vehicle Management
GET /vehicle/status
Retrieves the status of a specific vehicle.

vehicleId (integer): ID of the vehicle (likely passed as a query parameter)

Response: Vehicle status information (details to be specified)

POST /vehicle/update
Updates the status of a vehicle.

vehicleId (integer): ID of the vehicle to update
status (string): New status of the vehicle

Example request body:

  "vehicleId": 1,
  "status": "active"

Response: Vehicle update confirmation (details to be specified)